Valuable Collectible Antique Glass Comes In All Shapes,sizes And Colors

Valuable Collectible Antique Glass Comes In All Shapes,sizes And Colors

Occasionally you hear stories about a person who 카지노사이트 bought a small glass jar at a garage sale for a nickel, took it home, cleaned it up and found someone to buy it for hundreds of dollars. While that is not an everyday occurrence, it does happen when you stumble onto a piece of collectible antique glass.

To know collectible antique glass you must understand how glass was made in the days from which your collectors clamor. Blown glass was made by molten glass placed on the end of a glass tube and blown up like you blow up a balloon. As it was being blown, it was shaped by various tools and when complete it was allowed to cool.

During the making of collectible antique glass bottles, a handle may be applied by pressing the molten glass shaped like the handle onto the jar once it started to cool. Occasionally this process resulted in a crack in the bottle, which does little to detract from the current value of a collectible antique glass.

Some Defects Aid in an Aging Piece

During the fashioning of blown glass, a tool called a pontil rod was used to hold the glass while it was...

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