For a feel of royalty while traveling through Madrid, you need not go far, just to the Palacio Real, or the Royal Palace. An astounding building, it has nearly 3000 rooms, not to mention its 40 staircases, and 240 balconies. When it comes to the magnitude of the building, it only comes second to Versailles. When adding th… Read More

Bob Marley tends to be attracted to people who are not quite what they seem. Gullible, romantic and rather easily seduced, Bob frequently falls in love with an image in his own mind, which he then projects onto the object of his affections, only to discover later that this person never really had the lovely qualities he end… Read More

Fascinating from the start, The Sweet Shade of a Chinaberry Tree, by Janice Parrish, is certainly hard to classify. A creative fiction based on the authors own experiences while growing up in Southern States in the tumultuous 1960s a time of great change for America – could also be classified as an inter-racial romance or possibly a drama. … Read More

Russian brides – Popular scams on the Internet. Russian Bride – is she tuly an angel? If you are thinking of meeting a Russian woman over the Internet – you HAVE to be aware of these most popular scams online: Here are the most popular cities considered to be the scam capitals of their countries: Lugansk- the scam capital of Ukrai… Read More

Students in San Antonio Schools in 2008 will have college savings options that havent existed since 2003. The Texas Tomorrow II plan is a revamped version of the original state savings program that many residents in San Antonio Schools blasted as useless before it was ended in 2003. The problem with the original plan was th… Read More